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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Spring, is just the beginning

Spring is emerging, pixie cups are growing amongst the green mosses, pussy willows are starting to bud, Junco’s are back along with the Sandhill Cranes. The frogs grew from two lone spring peepers three nights ago, to dozens last night. All these new sounds are confusing my pup Ella. Born May 10th 2008 the days and nights are all filled with new sounds and experiences for her and she is realizing she is not as alone, way out here, as she thought.
The return of the wildlife is always heartily anticipated. Woodcocks arrived March 31st and I then noticed moths the next night. Foxes that cruised through the backyard a couple times a day, have not been seen for about three weeks. I guess their territory has expanded as the snow has receded. Ella had a very nervous reaction last evening, I think a bear may be sleepily stumbling out back already. Late last summer and early fall she reacted like this when a bear was about. She barks and charges forward to beat a very hasty retreat and always looking at me for assurance. The next rain free day I am going to wander over the rocks and through the trees and see if I can find any tell-tale signs.
Seasons change, wildlife cycles through our yards, plants wake-up, grow, then sleep a long cold dreamless hibernation. When we change with the seasons, different activities, different foods, different plans and goals, we cycle through movement, great growth and times of deep rest. Each cycle dependent on the one before. Each cycle dependent on moving into the one arriving on the doorstep. Without this flow we stagnate with life and energy blocked. Even in times of deep rest there is movement towards the wakening and growth. Hands in the dirt, planting a seed, a little seed filled with Pure Potential, we aid in releasing the energy allowing the seed to become everything it was meant to be.
Earth Day is a once a year celebration to rejoice in the movement, growth and restfulness of nature and life, every day. When a good thought and deed is born through the Earth Day celebration it has the Pure Potential to take root, rush for the sunlight, and cycle through our lives, every day.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

the beginning

this blog space is about nature, plants, and all things dirt.