This year I discovered a common item which I put to a whole new use. Hair clips!!
In my garden I use the tiny ones and the next size up - for you fellas out there, there are probably seven or eight different sizes but you will know which will work best for you on first glance.
I use these little clips to support my plants. Whether a young tomato plant is needing a little tether to a bamboo stake for a couple weeks or a runner bean is being encouraged to grow up a stake and along fencing.
I used doweling in one of my gardens to accommodate runner beans. I placed three poles in a corner and tied twine between them so when the beans grew they filled in and made a little green corner wall. To secure the tendrils I placed them along the twine with clips and as they grew and twisted on their own I removed any unneeded clips to use elsewhere. The clips do not hinder or limit growth and I am no longer tying, twisting or replacing tight bindings. To loosely clip a thick branch to a pole I will sometimes place the clip on the pole, not around it, so the teeth of the clip actually grip the pole itself. This gives extra room for a plant to have wiggle and growth room.
These clips take the sun and rain well, when a plant no longer needs the clip I place it on the fencing or pole so I have it ready in the garden when it is needed next.
These “plant” clips are available in all department stores and hair care areas but I go to the local dollar store first and pick up a package of 10-12 for a $1. At the end of the season I give them a light wash and store them in my gardening tool bag for next year. You may choose the brown, black or dark green clips or funky up your garden with neon blues and pinks adding a little colour before the flowers burst forth. The bright ones are easiest to find at year end amongst the brown leaves and stems.
This is a great addition for stocking stuffers or gift baskets for any gardeners on your list.
This is my Big Discovery for the 2010 gardening season, a simple little clip that saves time and is gentle on my tender growing plants or taming wild runner beans. I was so thrilled with how well it worked I wanted to share it with everyone, and for those who discovered this before me… good for you, I hope you told every gardener you know!
With 9 days left 'til Christmas Happy Holidays to all.