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Thursday, April 22, 2010

Earth Day

April 22nd 2010, the 40th Earth Day, do something for yourself and the Earth.
Eco shows and fairs abound last weekend and this coming weekend with many projects and earth friendly activities today. The choices are many and the information is easily found to green your home, your work and your life. Simple activities are the best to start and implement on a regular basis.
Being aware of your surroundings and the conditions in your neighbourhood is a great start. Take a walk. Walking is relaxing and you become more aware of your community, parks, people and wildlife. Walking with family and friends is a great bonding time while you connect with your community. Walk the green spaces, knowing they are there and using them will help to keep them functional and safe. Pick up one piece of garbage during your walk and you help to clean your environment.
Washing just a few dishes? Use a bowl to wash them in and save water (& dish detergent). Shorten your shower by 2 minutes to save water, drive a dusty vehicle a little longer before you wash it. Set your lawnmoor to cut your grass longer, it will require less water to remain thick and green plus it will be able to crowd out weeds.
Find a cause and sign a petition. Check out if you saw or have heard of the movie The Cove and disagree with herding and slaughtering 19,000 dolphins in a little cove each year.
Find a web site in touch with your local issues, in the Sudbury area I highly recommend Green Sudbury, the web site and the Facebook page. Locally written blogs, farmers markets, food cooperatives, local marsh conservation groups, and animal rehabilitation sites such as Wild at Heart the only place for injured and orphaned animals in this northern area. You will find something you believe in with all the choices there are.
You do not have to know everything or do it all, little things add up to a big difference, you just need to find the ones that fit you well.
Make every day Earth Day at your home or work by doing just one extra thing. Be a champion for those who have no voice. Enjoy and be kind to your neighbourhood, community and your Earth.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

How To Decide What To Plant

Having a hard time deciding what to plant this year? Open up your cookbook!

Go over your favourite recipes, look for the common ingredients and write your growing wish list like you would your shopping list. If you like to cook Italian recipes plant tomatoes, peppers, oregano, parsley, onion and chives. If stir-fries are big part of your meal planning grow snow peas, peppers, onions, carrots, celery, tomatoes. Look forward to spicy dinners then try hot peppers, tomatoes, beans. Once you have your basic ingredients fill in the garden space with other types of interesting vegetables. Beans and peas are easy to grow and are good fresh or cooked and are so easy to freeze. Didn’t pick all of them off the vines? That’s alright let them dry out and you have not only dried peas and beans for soups and stews but the seeds for next year’s plants are ready. Plan your garden so shade loving plants are beside peas, beans or tomatoes to use their height as a barrier for sun or wind.

Choose what you like to eat most then look for varieties compatible with your growing zone and are dependable for a good yield. Look for different varieties within your vegetable of choice and fill in the extra garden space with other vegetables, aromatic herbs and flowers. Your garden will be a relaxing beautiful space in no time while your plants mature and provide you with seemingly endless food.

Have a hard time bending to weed and plant? A 12 inch raised bed makes a great place to sit while you weed, water, harvest and enjoy the garden.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Maintain Equipment and Save Money

While preparing tools and equipment for spring use don’t neglect the water sprinkler. If it is getting clogged with mineral deposits simply soak it in overnight in white vinegar. Place head down to make sure the holes are well covered. The next day give it a good scrub with a brush to loosen any hard buildup and rinse in clean water. An easy and inexpensive way to get the most out of a sprinkler.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Garden Vitamin Boost

Take your fresh kitchen scraps- carrot peel, potato peel, apple peel, eggshells, tea leaves, coffee grounds, lettuce leaves and place in a blender with enough water to cover them and puree. In the garden poke holes with the handle of a trowel or rake near the plants, pour liquid in and cover with soil. This is a great boost for plants or as a soil preparation before planting in an empty garden.

Eggshells can be crushed and sprinkled straight onto the garden adding calcium to the soil. This is especially good for brassicas (cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower...)